Keywords: Wearable, internet of things, device-to-cloud communication, breathing pattern
Insertion Sorter in P Systems
Index Terms— Insertion Sort , Membrane Computing, P system, computational model
Characterization of Low-Pressure Nitrogen Plasma Discharge and Pre-Oxidation on the Surface Characteristics of Activated Carbons
Keywords- Activated Carbon, Functionalization, Low-Pressure Plasma, Nitrogen Plasma, Surface Pre-Oxidation
Development of a farm scale agricultural water sprinkler for crop irrigation.
Keywords: Agriculture, Water Sprinkler, Crop Irrigation
Fabrication of forward osmosis membrane using nata-de-coco as raw materials for desalination
Keywords – Desalination, Forward Osmosis, Nata de coco
Hammer mill design with flat vertical parallel blades for Moringa flakes production.
Keywords: Moringa Flakes, Hammer Mill, Flakes Production
Individual Load Monitoring of Appliances for Home Energy Management System
Keywords – Intrusive load monitoring, forecasting, regression analysis, energy consumption behavior model, predicted consumption
FPGA Based Powerline and Baseline Interference Removal in Electrocardiogram Using Modified EWT-DWT Filtering
Keywords – Edge computing; signal processing; fpga; empirical wavelet transform; discrete wavelet transform
Mechanical Properties of Recycled Polypropylene Macro Flat Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Rice Hull Ash as Partial Replacement to Cement
Keywords – Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Macro Flat Fiber, Recycled Polypropylene, Rice Hull Ash
Fall Detection, Location and Identification for Elderly Institution
Keywords – triaxial-accelerometer, access points, media access control (MAC), database