Student FAQs for A.Y. 2023-2024
Frequently Asked Questions from Students
General FAQs
Dormitories/apartments are available near the campus.
Please note that Mapúa MCL has no existing partnerships or agreements with these dormitories, and it is highly advised that students and parents exercise caution when dealing with the various landowners near the Mapúa MCL campus.
For information on the routes, schedules, and guidelines, see the full primer through this link.
Mapúa MCL’s shuttle services will be available for those who will be participating in F2F classes. Students or parents can directly coordinate with the Shuttle Service operators by sending them a message or through phone call.
There is no required school uniform for Senior High School and College students except for P.E. uniforms, which will be available for purchase at the Mapúa MCL Blue and Silver Bookshop.
Other College programs may require uniforms upon advise of their respective program chair.
Please stay tuned to Mapúa MCL’s social media channels for further announcements regarding this.
Students who will bring cars can park in the designated parking spaces surrounding Mapúa Malayan Colleges Laguna. They are located beside the Centrale building and at the back of 7-Eleven. Upon passing through the SouthPoint Subdivision archway, you may turn left to access these parking areas.
Academic FAQs
Learn more about Mapúa MCL FLUX through this link.
Parents and students may contact their respective professors through the messages feature on Blackboard Learn, and via email. Professors usually provide their email addresses during their first meeting with students.
In case needed, college and department officials may also be contacted via email. You may access the contact details for each college or department thru this link.
Students are advised to use their Mapúa MCL live e-mail account when transacting via e-mail.
Parents may use the Parent Portal to view students’ grades, load, schedule, bills, and payments. The Parent Portal is accessible through the Mapúa MCL website.
In case you experience difficulties in signing up, you may e-mail [email protected].